Monday, August 1, 2016

Blog no.5 - If the Internet doesn't exist

If Internet doesn't exist

Just imagine the world without the Internet.What will happen? Will you still see this blog? of course not. Many things will change if the Internet didn't existed. Knowing a lot of benefits of advantages of the Internet won't let you live without the internet. I'll admit it,I can't live without the Internet and you might probably too.There are many who have grown up without the reliance and dependence upon it.

Not just we cannot have any contact with the people around us,but also people won't be updated on what is happening around us. Also,people from different countries like me and my mother will have some difficulties in having a communication if there's no Internet.In our generation, the word "enjoy" is kind of different because internet is fun and enjoyable. Without the internet many people won't appreciate to stay home and do something productive. If there's no Internet there will be a lack of updated information that we can get. Books are not enough because books are not always updated compared to the Internet. Internet has dictionaries,thesaurus and a lot more. Shopping is such a fun activity especially for me but sometimes we just get too busy for some things and we cannot be able to go shopping by going to a mall but online shopping is such a big benefit that we can get from the Internet but if there's no Internet then it would be really hard for us to accomplish some stuff that we need to do just like shopping.Without the Internet we cannot be able to do productive.I mean, C'mon! there's billions of things that will happen if there's no Internet. Shocking isn't it?

First of all, I have nothing against the Internet. I actually think the Internet is such an awesome invention! I'm also very grateful that I live in a generation where Internet does exist simply because it is really helpful for me and my fellow students but sometimes Internet is also kind of a bad thing because many young people like me would rather spend more time in the Internet than what do they really need to do.

Well,in the good side there's also many  good things will happen if the Internet doesn't exist.
First of all if the Internet doesn't exist,less crimes will happen in this world specifically the "Cyber-Bullying Crime" because of the Internet,there's Millions of people suffer from this crime and some people tend to commit suicide.Talking about suicide,suicide is a big issue in this world so if there's no internet,there's no cyber-bullying and if there's no cyber-bullying,the suicide rate in this world will be lessen which is a benefit.There's also a lot of people especially the children that is enjoying the outside world instead of just staying home,eating chips,and wasting time holding their phones or playing non-sense computer games.Also,for some people Internet has been a distraction especially to students and this is Internet can prevent them in doing their things do such as a homework,project,or even house chores and this is a big problem to their parents.Many people will also be safer without the internet.Why? because Internet is not a safest place and again,everyone can have an access to the Internet which i have been saying in My past blogs.Everyone can have a conversation to one another including the strangers through the Internet and there's also a lot of crimes that young people like me get killed because they meet with other people that they don't even know in real life but in the Internet which is not safe.Also,another good thing is that people can have more time with their family,friends,co-workers etc. if there was no Internet because many people is addicted to the Internet and they would rather have more time in the Internet than their family,friends or anyone.Also,without the Internet more people can have an actual conversation with one another rather than chatting through using the Internet such as the social medias or other software like "Skype".We all know that many children these days have been using Internet almost everyday and without the Internet,many children would rather be outside playing instead of sitting around or lying in a couch or a bed and spending hours in using the Internet such as Social Medias.

Thank You!