Monday, August 1, 2016

Blog no.5 - If the Internet doesn't exist

If Internet doesn't exist

Just imagine the world without the Internet.What will happen? Will you still see this blog? of course not. Many things will change if the Internet didn't existed. Knowing a lot of benefits of advantages of the Internet won't let you live without the internet. I'll admit it,I can't live without the Internet and you might probably too.There are many who have grown up without the reliance and dependence upon it.

Not just we cannot have any contact with the people around us,but also people won't be updated on what is happening around us. Also,people from different countries like me and my mother will have some difficulties in having a communication if there's no Internet.In our generation, the word "enjoy" is kind of different because internet is fun and enjoyable. Without the internet many people won't appreciate to stay home and do something productive. If there's no Internet there will be a lack of updated information that we can get. Books are not enough because books are not always updated compared to the Internet. Internet has dictionaries,thesaurus and a lot more. Shopping is such a fun activity especially for me but sometimes we just get too busy for some things and we cannot be able to go shopping by going to a mall but online shopping is such a big benefit that we can get from the Internet but if there's no Internet then it would be really hard for us to accomplish some stuff that we need to do just like shopping.Without the Internet we cannot be able to do productive.I mean, C'mon! there's billions of things that will happen if there's no Internet. Shocking isn't it?

First of all, I have nothing against the Internet. I actually think the Internet is such an awesome invention! I'm also very grateful that I live in a generation where Internet does exist simply because it is really helpful for me and my fellow students but sometimes Internet is also kind of a bad thing because many young people like me would rather spend more time in the Internet than what do they really need to do.

Well,in the good side there's also many  good things will happen if the Internet doesn't exist.
First of all if the Internet doesn't exist,less crimes will happen in this world specifically the "Cyber-Bullying Crime" because of the Internet,there's Millions of people suffer from this crime and some people tend to commit suicide.Talking about suicide,suicide is a big issue in this world so if there's no internet,there's no cyber-bullying and if there's no cyber-bullying,the suicide rate in this world will be lessen which is a benefit.There's also a lot of people especially the children that is enjoying the outside world instead of just staying home,eating chips,and wasting time holding their phones or playing non-sense computer games.Also,for some people Internet has been a distraction especially to students and this is Internet can prevent them in doing their things do such as a homework,project,or even house chores and this is a big problem to their parents.Many people will also be safer without the internet.Why? because Internet is not a safest place and again,everyone can have an access to the Internet which i have been saying in My past blogs.Everyone can have a conversation to one another including the strangers through the Internet and there's also a lot of crimes that young people like me get killed because they meet with other people that they don't even know in real life but in the Internet which is not safe.Also,another good thing is that people can have more time with their family,friends,co-workers etc. if there was no Internet because many people is addicted to the Internet and they would rather have more time in the Internet than their family,friends or anyone.Also,without the Internet more people can have an actual conversation with one another rather than chatting through using the Internet such as the social medias or other software like "Skype".We all know that many children these days have been using Internet almost everyday and without the Internet,many children would rather be outside playing instead of sitting around or lying in a couch or a bed and spending hours in using the Internet such as Social Medias.

Thank You! 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Blog no.4 - Online Shopping

Online Shopping

        Online shopping is shopping through the internet. Online shopping is a big benefit to all of us especially to those people who lives far away from shopping malls. You can buy products through the Internet by using your credit card. Online shopping is really convenient and it saves time for the people especially to those people who's schedule is completely filled up. The Internet has revolutionized the way we shop. Many people prefer online shopping because it has a lot of benefits and it will make our lives easier. Because of many people who does online shopping, you can also sell unused or used items through a specific website in the internet.

Perks of Online Shopping:

-Like what I said earlier, online shopping is very convenient to a lot of people because they don't need to go to a certain mall to buy what they need or what they want.

Saves Time
-Online Shopping saves time especially to those people who's schedule is completely filled up and if they really need the product/thing they need to buy,they can shop online rather than going to a mall.

More Variety
-Compared to actual shopping, the things in the mall are limited and its is quite difficult to find it.Online shopping give us the will to easily find what we want or need an most items are only available online.

No crowds 
-We all know if we go to a mall there's a lot of people especially during weekends.During weekends are the only time we have to go shopping because of school or work and we all hate crowded places right? Online shopping is way more easier and we can easily buy items by simply using our computer or our mobile devices plus it's obviously not crowded.

-Compared to the items that are for sale in malls,mos items online cost less money.

Disadvantages of Online Shopping:

Unknown Vendor
-Internet is not a safe place.There's a lot people in the Internet that we don't personally know and the item that you bought might be broken or damaged and it is quite impossible for us to return the item.

-When we really need the item that we bought,the item will not come immediately and it might also take a lot of time to ship the item to your place.

Shipping might be expensive
-When you're living in a far area where there is no infrastractures,the shipping of the item might be more expensive than the actual item.

-Again,Internet is not the safest place and everyone has an access to it including the robbers.When you're shopping online make sure that the website that you are shopping at is safe and accredited as an online shop.

No Assistance
-Unlike in an actual mall,there's a saleslady/salesman and he/she will guide you when you buy an item or an product but Online shops give you limited information about the item or the product.

Before buying anything online,make sure that the online shop that you are buying at is a trusted source and research the item that you are buying.

Blog no.3 - Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites

I've been mentioning a lot about Social Medias/Social Networking Sites in my past blogs,so I decided to create a blog about Social Networking Sites.

Social networking site is a website that enables a person to create a public profile to be able to connect or interact with other social media users.Social networking sites help a lot of people not just because people can have an interaction with one another, but also it will help people to be always updated. Many people had been using multiple social medias such as Facebook,Instagram,Twitter and more.Social networking sites are also used for educational purposes.

According to the site,these are the 15 most popular Social Networking Sites:

6.Google Plus+

  Social networking sites are not safe and there's a lot of kids between the ages of 8-11 that is in the Internet specifically the social medias. Everyone can have an access in it,so it is important to the adults or parents to manage or monitor their kids or younger siblings. Social media accounts especially in our generation today. There's a lot of cases of pedophilia and usually this happens in the Internet through social medias. Also,make sure if your account has some privacy. Don't easily believe the things in the social medias because some of them are biased and unreliable.

Here are my tips to be safe in using the social media:

1. Make sure your profile and the things you post can only be seen by your friends or family     members.

2. NEVER share your password with anyone, including your best friend. The only people    who should know your password are your parents or guardian.

3.Do not download a software or anything without letting your parents/guardians check it.

4.Make sure your parents/guardian monitors your Social Medias.

5.Never Meet in person with anyone you first met in the Internet.

6. Whenever someone is bullying you or somebody else,immediately report to your parents/guardians and report that person's post about you or others.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Blog no.2 - What is Internet Slang?

Internet Slang 

    In our generation today,many people has been using the Internet like what I said in my first blog.You're probably included to the people who use the Internet.Yes,you because you're reading this blog right now.We all know that there's a lot of things,issues,trends that are happening in the Internet these days.If you use Social Medias you might probably know some stuff about internet slang.A lot of people use internet slang for shortcut or because it is very popular or simply because we're too lazy to type the whole word.Well,I use internet slang for shortcut and it helps me in a specific situation like when I'm in a rush and I need to message someone. 

These Are the Examples of Internet Slang:

    Internet slang is used by the people in the Internet especially the teenagers.Internet slang is usually an abbreviation.Many people usually use these internet slang in Social Medias but these are also used in texting or instant messaging. According to the site, internet slang was originated in the early days of the Internet with some terms predating the Internet. Since 1979, users of communications networks like Usenet created their own shorthand.The purpose of these Internet slang is to ease the conversation.Internet slang doesn't usually use punctuation,grammar and capitalization which makes it informal.It also doesn't usually use vowels such as "ttyl" which means talk to you later.Though these are very helpful and a huge advantage to internet users, some people are still having some difficulties in understanding it including the internet newbies. Internet slang shouldn't be used in a formal letters,articles,blogs and more because like what I said not all people understand Internet slang and these words are only slang which is a type of language that consists of words or sentences that is informal.Internet slang discourages rather than encourage mutual understanding.

These disadvantages reminds us to not overuse Internet Slang because it is very informal and it will lead to misunderstanding.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Blog no.1 - What is Internet for Me?

What Is Internet for Me?

For me,Internet is now a society.Billions of people in this world use internet.Internet is very Important for me and also for my friends,my relatives,workers, and a lot more people.The Internet is really important because it will help us to make our tasks easier and it will make our lives better.Internet is part of my life.I use the Internet everyday to have a conversation with my friends and to know what are the things that are happening in the world.This Blog will show you the benefits that I got from the Internet and the disadvantages of the Internet.


Today,Internet is accessible to a lot of people including workers and students like me.Internet is always available for 24 Hours,7 days a week,365 days a year which is a huge benefit to all of us especially to students and workers.I think without Internet it would be difficult for us to contact others and it will be also hard for us to find the answers for our questions or the information we need for our assignments,projects,research and such.Speaking about contact,One of the Internet's Biggest Advantage is that it would be easy for us to contact our relatives,friends,co-workers through the emails,video conferencing,chatrooms and more such as Skype,Messenger,Viber,Yahoo,G-mail and more.I find this as huge benefit for me and my mother because she works in abroad which is far from where I live and through these software we can have a long conversation.The Internet also has a vast range of information.This helps me to find the answers that I needed in my assignments,projects,research for school.Internet has thousands of search engines and by simply typing your question in the search bar and hitting the enter key you'll find some information.Through Internet, you can also have an access to other cultures and if you're interested to some countries' culture this will enable you to get some insights to their culture. Also,through social medias, this will help a lot of people including me to be always up-to-date.Many social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter and more.This helps me to. know what's happening in my country or what are the things that my friends are up to. Another advantage is that you can easily shop using Internet.There's a lot of Online Shopping sites in our country such as,, and many
more. According to the site,there are 8 Advantages of Online Shopping.1.Easy to find the products 2.Cheaper Products 3.Save  Time  4.Freedom of Choice 5.Freedom of Price 6.Privacy 7.Rare product  8.Buyer protection.These are the Advantages of Online Shopping.

These are all the benefits or advantages that I got from the Internet.Nothing's perfect though,Internet also has a lot of Disadvantages.What are the Disadvantages of the Internet?


Since the Internet is almost accessible for all the people in this world,then it is not the safest place for everyone. Cyber-bullying is one of the disadvantages of the internet. In my opinion, cyber-bullying is the worst among all the bullying. Everyone can be a victim of cyber-bullying because almost everyone is using the Internet. According to, cyber-bullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.
Another disadvantage is 'Spam'.Internet is such a great invention but not the safest. If you're doing online shopping ensure that you know the identity, location, and contact details of the retailer because you might get spammed and your money might not get back. Another disadvantage is the negative effects on your family communication. Internet is addicting and i was once an Internet addict and this was a negative effect to have a conversation with my Family. I was spending hours in the Internet because of Social Medias,Online Games and a lot more.This was my problem back then,I spend a lot more time in the Internet than spending my time with my family I don't go to church every Sunday. I don't do my assignments and I would rather spend my time in the internet than to eat my Dinner. Another disadvantage is the biased Information.No one owns the Internet and there is nothing to stop people in posting their opinions and points of view on web pages, forums, and blogs. Many people believe what they read in the internet but apparently not all of them is true. People including me need to be careful on what they saw in the Internet.These disadvantages remind us that we should be always careful in the internet and we must always remember to think before you click.